Worth This Winter


It's just another typical winter

When nature casts shimmers and colds Down Under 

The vibrancy of Lion City still lingers in my mind

It is not something I could readily put behind 


It's just another typical winter

When God sheds His tears as rain and shower

Life is a journey, not a destination

Where every step begins & ends with a distinct emotion


It's just another typical winter

When barren trees and fallen leaves are all over

Sweet memories pick me up when I feel down & awful

Staying the course keeps me sane and hopeful


It's just another typical winter

Gusting frosty breath makes one shudder

There are endless joy and laughter around

It feels like the good old time clock rewound


It's just another typical winter

Does it matter if spring comes sooner?

Dreams of yesterday are hopes of today and realities of tomorrow

How much longer to idle before I see the next rainbow?



Chin Keong (Year 1974) used to live in Singapore for 15 years but has moved back to Melbourne in March this year to rejoin his family. His maiden poem titled "Soil, Life and Valley" written several years ago has since kept his spirit high to write again - this time not in the warm Singapore but in the cold windy Melbourne.